A logo, brand, corporate identity and mark are different names for an intellectual property which is legally referred to as a trademark. The firm is not the rightful owner of its own trademark until the sealing.
Any person who has registered the same or a similar mark has the right to prohibit you from using it. The right to a trademark is protected by law and helps in the fight against unlawful competition.
National registration in Kazakhstan
- from 350 USD -
International registration
- from 700 USD -
Registration of the assignment of rights
- from 350 USD -
Contest of trademarks
- from 500 USD
Preliminary check
- from 200 USD -
Prolongation of registration
- from 150 USD -
Filing of exception to a registration refusal
- from 500 USD -
Preparation of experts opinions
- from 500 USD
How we work
We prepare and sign the “Agreement on the provision of services and non-disclosure of your confidential information.”
You provide us with materials (logo, classes of International Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS), power of attorney).
We complete application, arrange, coordinate, submit and accompany your application until the end of examination proceedings.
Eventually the protected document will be send to you by us.
Application deadline
3-5 business days.
Application lead time by the National patent office
governed by law, approximately 7 months.